English as a subject in la Merced

Nowadays  students are apathy  to the language and they do not  want to do anything, is a cruel reality that  Mosquera’s  government  want to change the schools in to bilingual schools, and  we as teachers try to teach the language in a way that students feel love for it, but the result is that they do not come to class, they miss classes with any worry, they do not do homeworks  and of course they do not work in class, with these aptitudes  we feel that something is wrong and  we  think that we have to change the way that students appreciate the language, it is too much difficult but now we are giving the best of us to find this goal. We are trying to change this apathy and we are decorating the classrooms, and organizing the school with posters to feeling a bilingual environment.
We know that it is not enough for that reason we are working with  the book, notebook and a portfolio and we are trying to  give our classes just in English, anyway we know that it change would be difficult but not impossible for this reason we are happy and we are sure that students are going to change the way that they see the language and they are going to know that learn English is the best way to change their way of life and that they are missing the opportunity to be important people and that to speak  two languages is the way to open a lot of doors and have many opportunities to their lifes.

Por: Lic. Ana Tovar


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